This place is located in the village of Kamasan, Klungkung Regency.
The talent of the craftsmen in this village has been passed down from generation to generation.
This has been proven by experts where in this area archaeological hills have been found in the form of stone thrones, menhir statues, stone mortar, stone troughs, cylindrical monoliths, dakon stones, road passages lined with river stones.
Archaeological findings also provide clues that megalithic tradition once colored the lives of people in Kamasan and its surroundings, namely the life of a pre-Hindu society rooted in the neolithic period (± 2000 years BC).
The Megalithic tradition has been absorbed by the craftsmen here.
In ancient times when Bali was still in the royal era, the Megalithic Traditions that had been absorbed by the craftsmen were used here by the ruling kings at that time.
They work and serve the king for the rest of their lives. The king is seen as a god-king who is in charge of keeping the universe (the universe and its contents) in a state of balance and harmony.
Since art is seen as an important element in maintaining harmony through sacred works of art, it is the duty of the authorities to protect and preserve art.
Artists and craftsmen in this village still produce Kamasan-style paintings or puppets that are beautiful and have a meaning of life.
The expansion of craftsmen's products has varied, not only limited to gold and silver carvings but also carvings made of copper or brass and bullets. Their art products in the form of paintings or carvings are ordered by many foreign or domestic tourists.
As tourism increases, souvenir and art shops in Klungkung, or the Gianyar and Denpasar art markets and hotels have also become regular customers of Kamasan's wayang-style art products.